وضع حد للعنصرية والكراهية: حقوقك. مسؤولياتك
بادر بإيجاد الشبكة في مجتمعك المحلي

Literacy Alberni Society
المكان (الأماكن):
الأمم الأولى المحيطة بمنطقة ألبرني كلايوكووت الإقليمية, باركسفيل, توفينو, كواليكوم, يوكلويليت
Literacy Alberni’s mission has been to ensure we are leaders in providing Literacy, Education, Language, and Settlement Services to our community. We are committed to respecting, promoting, and advancing the values of equality, equity, diversity, and safety for all peoples. We provide educational programs and facilitate literacy acquisition in learners of all ages through a range of programs, services, and activities.
Located on the unceded territories of the Tseshaht and Hupacasath First Nations, in the City of Port Alberni, BC.