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नस्लवाद और घृणा समाप्त करना: आपका अधिकार। आपकी ज़िम्मेदारी।

अपने सामुदायिक नैटवर्क का पता लगाएं

qathet Community Justice (qCJ)

स्थान के अनुसार फ़िल्टर करें:
क्यूथैट ज़िले में आसपास, टैक्सडा, पॉवेल रिवर, लंड

qathet Community Justice (qCJ)d aims to help restore relationships where conflict or crime has caused harm and create a welcoming community for all people. We provide conflict resolution services, develop and support diversity-affirming initiatives, and conduct community training on justice and diversity. qCJ is supported by Lift Community Services.

Located on the territories of the Tla'amin People.