我們看見一個沒有種族主義和仇恨的將來。Resilience BC Anti-Racism Network的網站提供相關工具,幫助您進行這項艱巨的工作,使這個願景得以實現。
Indigenous and Canadian Histories 101: What You Didn’t Learn in High School
這段由Rainwatch Consulting製作的45分鐘視頻展現一個簡潔而全面的故事,訴說原住民在加拿大的經歷、深深影響了他們的社區的政策,以及他們的自治體系。這項培訓包括一本文化與術語指南。費用為$55。
Knowing About the Land You Live On
這本由Native Land Digital製作的2019 Teacher’s Guide(2019教師指南)包含供教師與年輕和成年學生使用的練習 — 內容由瀏覽原住民領土的地圖,以至認識原住民歷史和文化,及剖析殖民主義。
Challenging Racist BC
由University of Victoria(維多利亞大學,英文簡稱UVic)和Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives(加拿大另類政策研究中心,英文簡稱CCPA)合作出版的 Challenging Racist ‘British Columbia’: 150 Years and Counting”,是一本80頁配有插圖的書,詳細描述本省的種族主義歷史及歧視性政策如何影響了原住民、黑人和亞裔社群。
Warrior Life
享負盛名的Mi’kmaq原住民律師Dr. Pam Palmater的網站包含她的著作和源自她與原住民領袖和博學者的訪談的播客,從中清楚點出影響社區的議題。該網站也提供一份全面的清單,列出有關解決對原住民族不公義的問題的資源和建議。
Whose Land is it Anyway? A Manual for Decolonization
這本獲得British Columbia Federation of Post-Secondary Educators(卑詩專上學院教育工作者聯會)支持的手冊,深入探討殖民化對原住民的影響,以及去殖民化與和解之路。隨手冊附上一本有關了解封鎖和原住民權利的配有插圖指南。
Bystander Intervention Trainings
這些由以美國為基地的Hollaback!提供的互動培訓,教授旁觀者介入的5D原則:distract(轉移注意力)、delegate(尋求幫助)、document(記錄)、 delay(拖延),以及direct(直接介入),好讓您下次在街上、在工作場所內或在網上目睹仇恨事件或騷擾時,能夠有更好的心理準備和信心。
Implicit Bias and Active Bystander Resources
Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity(克爾旺人種和族裔研究所)是Ohio State University(俄亥俄州立大學)的一間進行跨學科研究的學院,提供重點在於人種和族裔的免費網上工作坊和課程。培訓包括做個主動的旁觀者、進行創傷知情照顧,以及成為性小眾的盟友。
Anti-Racism Education
CARED Collective(卡加利反種族主義教育)提供空間讓協調員可推動自導學習者參與抗擊種族主義,包括制訂反種族主義詞彙、成為反種族主義協調員,以及採納學習行動作進一步參與。它還包含一個全面的詞彙表和資源。
Call It Out
這個由Ontario Human Rights Commission(安省人權委員會)提供的30分鐘互動網上課程,讓您能夠認識在加拿大種族主義的歷史和影響。它有助您剖析“種族”、“種族歧視”及“白人特權”等術語,以及您可如何預防和處理種族主義和仇恨。
Faces of Racism
這項以亞裔社群為對象的資源,提供方法去應對隱性的種族主義,不論這些行為是當眾、在學校還是在工作地方遭遇到的。這個已將內容翻譯成六種語言的網站,包含一個可供使用和反思的討論套件(Discussion Pack),以便能應對微歧視以及在發生微歧視時能展開對抗。
Bakau Resources Toolkit
這套由反種族主義顧問公司Bakau Consulting製作的工具,是一本針對以下各方面的指南:了解多元化與共融及反壓迫的基本原則;中斷無意識偏見;摒棄反黑人意識;以及學習如何通過檢視加拿大的種族問題的根源來瓦解種族主義。
Everyday Feminism Online School
Trainings for Gender-diverse Youth
Dismantling Anti-Black Racism in Schooling and Education
University of Toronto(多倫多大學)的Centre for Integrative Anti-Racism Studies(綜合反種族主義研究中心,簡稱CIARS)出版了一本新的資源小冊子,當中包含有關加拿大黑人社群的經歷和反黑人種族主義的影響的書籍、網上研討會、記錄片和工具套。
Canadian Anti-Hate Network
Canadian Anti-Hate Network(加拿大反仇恨網絡)設法揭露和瓦解加拿大的仇恨組織。它的網站定義何謂“仇恨組織”以及公眾可如何監察、遏制或記錄那些助長偏見、種族主義和暴力的活動。
Canadian Race Relations Foundation
Canadian Race Relations Foundation(加拿大種族關係基金會)通過視頻、網上研討會和研究,提供一個反種族主義平台。2019年,它公布了一項有關加拿大種族關係的開創性研究,以衡量種族化和非種族化人士的態度和經歷。
Centre for Diversity and Innovation
Centre for Diversity and Innovation(多元化及創新中心)是North Shore Multicultural Society(北岸多元文化協會)的心血結晶,得到North Shore Immigrant Inclusion Partnership(北岸移民共融合作伙伴組織)的支持,具備致力於瓦解種族主義的資源,包括反黑人種族主義及與COVID-19有關的種族主義。它的閱讀清單提供支持給予經歷種族主義的人士,提供與反種族主義有關的術語的定義以及建設共融空間的關鍵策略。該中心也舉辦DEI(多元化、平等和共融)工作坊。
Cold Tea Collective
Cold Tea Collective是一個以千禧世代亞裔為對象、由他們管理及關於他們的媒體平台和社群。它提供一系列資源 — 有使人了解種族和種族主義的故事、培養實用技能以對抗街上種族不公義或工作地方不公平做法的工具,以至檢視系統性種族主義的根源和亞裔加拿大人的歷史的材料。
Vancouver Asian Film Festival Society(溫哥華亞洲電影節協會)和Project 1907為經歷反亞裔仇恨事件的亞裔加拿大人提供一個匿名舉報平台。他們的目的是將數據和資源整合起來,並努力爭取問責和變革。
Hogan Alley Society
該組織提供一系列特別針對加拿大背景的反黑人種族主義資源。該網站也提供方法去參與他們的Metro Vancouver Regional District Black Experience Project(大溫哥華地區黑人經歷計劃),該計劃詳細說出大溫哥華地區非裔人士的經歷、貢獻和挑戰。
I Dream Library
Project 1907
Project 1907是一個由亞裔婦女組成的草根團體,備有一份關於以下各項資源的全面清單:反亞裔種族主義和歷史、去殖民化和原住民盟友關係、建立跨種族團結和運動、反種族主義工作坊以及自我照顧和治療支援服務。Project 1907與Vancouver Asian Film Festival攜手合作,定期發表有關全國各地的種族主義事件的報告,認出趨勢,以及通過其Racism Incident Reporting Centre(種族主義事件舉報中心)來發出行動倡議。
Racism: It Stops With Me
這場Australian Human Rights Commission(澳洲人權委員會)針對體育界種族主義的運動,包括有關個人可如何採取行動對抗種族主義的資源和視頻。看看電影The Australian Dream的預告片。
Raising Race Conscious Children
這個平台是為那些與小孩子談論種族的成人而設。反種族主義資源包括工作坊、網上研討會、播客、策略及在其部落格上發布的故事。看看他們的“100 race-conscious things you can say to your child to advance racial justice”(為了促進種族主義您可以對孩子說的100 件種族自省的事情)清單。
Anti-Racism Zine
這個以加拿大亞裔社群為對象的精神健康樞紐,支持經歷反亞裔仇恨罪行和事件的人士。它包含精神健康服務、危機熱線及各種精神資源,例如“Cultivating Growth and Solidarity”(培養成長和團結)工作簿,這本工作簿剖析種族主義並提供一本有關遭遇種族歧視時要採取什麼措施的指南。
21 Things You May Not Know About the Indian Act: Helping Canadians Make Reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples a Reality
Since its creation in 1876, the Indian Act has shaped, controlled, and constrained the lives and opportunities of Indigenous Peoples, and is at the root of many enduring stereotypes. Bob Joseph’s book comes at a key time in the reconciliation process, when awareness from both Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities is at a crescendo.” – Indigenous Relations Press, publisher
The Reconciliation Manifesto: Recovering the Land, Rebuilding the Economy
This book challenge[s] virtually everything that non-Indigenous Canadians believe about their relationship with Indigenous Peoples and the steps that are needed to place this relationship on a healthy and honourable footing. Manuel and Derrickson offer an illuminating vision of what Canada and Canadians need for true reconciliation.” – Lorimer Publishing, publisher
Unsettling the Settler Within: Indian Residential Schools, Truth Telling and Reconciliation in Canada
In Unsettling the Settler Within, Paulette Regan, a former residential-schools-claims manager, argues that in order to truly participate in the transformative possibilities of reconciliation, non-Aboriginal Canadians must undergo their own process of decolonization. They must relinquish the persistent myth of themselves as peacemakers and acknowledge the destructive legacy of a society that has stubbornly ignored and devalued Indigenous experience.” – UBC Press, publisher
Seven Fallen Feathers: Racism, Death, and Hard Truths in a Northern City
Using a sweeping narrative focusing on the lives of the students, award-winning investigative journalist Tanya Talaga delves into the history of this small northern city that has come to manifest Canada’s long struggle with human rights violations against Indigenous communities.” – House of Anansi, publisher
Between the World and Me
Americans have built an empire on the idea of ‘race,’ a falsehood that damages us all but falls most heavily on the bodies of black women and men—bodies exploited through slavery and segregation, and, today, threatened, locked up, and murdered out of all proportion. What is it like to inhabit a black body and find a way to live within it? Between the World and Me is Ta-Nehisi Coates’s attempt to answer these questions.” – Penguin Random House, publisher
The Skin We're In
Puncturing the bubble of Canadian smugness and naive assumptions of a post-racial nation, Desmond Cole chronicles just one year—2017—in the struggle against racism in this country. It is a vital text for anti-racist and social justice movements in Canada.” – Penguin Random House Canada, publisher
How to Be Antiracist
In How to Be an Antiracist, Kendi takes readers through a widening circle of antiracist ideas—from the most basic concepts to visionary possibilities—that will help readers see all forms of racism clearly, understand their poisonous consequences, and work to oppose them in our systems and in ourselves.” – Penguin Random House, publisher
Anti-Racist Reading List from Ibram X. Kendi
How to Be an Antiracist author Ibram X. Kendi puts together a reading list of more than 60 books for people starting their anti-racist journey.
My Grandmother's Hands: Racialized Trauma and the Pathway to Mending Our Hearts and Bodies
My Grandmother’s Hands is a call to action for all of us to recognize that racism is not about the head, but about the body, and introduces an alternative view of what we can do to grow beyond our entrenched racialized divide.” – Central Recovery Press, publisher
So You Want to Talk About Race
In So You Want to Talk About Race, Ijeoma Oluo guides readers of all races through subjects ranging from intersectionality and affirmative action to ‘model minorities’ in an attempt to make the seemingly impossible possible: honest conversations about race and racism, and how they infect almost every aspect of American life.” – Seal Press, publisher
White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism
“In this in-depth exploration, DiAngelo examines how white fragility develops, how it protects racial inequality, and what we can do to engage more constructively.” – Beacon Press, publisher
Uprooting Racism: How White People Can Work For Racial Justice (4th ed.)
This 4th edition of Uprooting Racism provides practical tools and advice on how white people can work as allies for racial justice, engaging the reader through questions, exercises, and suggestions for action, and includes a wealth of information about specific cultural groups such as Muslims, people with mixed-heritage, Native Americans, Jews, recent immigrants, Asian Americans, and Latino/as.” – New Society Publishers, publisher
Me and White Supremacy
This eye-opening book challenges you to do the essential work of unpacking your biases, and helps white people take action and dismantle the privilege within themselves so that you can stop (often unconsciously) inflicting damage on people of color, and in turn, help other white people do better, too.” – Sourcebooks, publisher
Until We Are Free: Reflections on Black Lives Matter in Canada
Until We Are Free contains some of the very best writing on the hottest issues facing the Black community in Canada. It describes the latest developments in Canadian Black activism, organizing efforts through the use of social media, Black-Indigenous alliances, and more.” – University of Regina Press, publisher
The Vanishing Half
A stunning new novel about twin sisters, inseparable as children, who ultimately choose to live in two very different worlds, one black and one white. The Vanishing Half considers the lasting influence of the past as it shapes a person’s decisions, desires, and expectations, and explores some of the multiple reasons and realms in which people sometimes feel pulled to live as something other than their origins.” – Riverhead Books, Penguin Random House, publisher
The Ultimate List of Diverse Children’s Books
Founder of Here Wee Read and Diversity & Inclusion expert Charnaie Gordon offers a comprehensive, diverse list of books for infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and early elementary readers.
BC Publisher’s Corner(卑詩出版商之角):
How To Be Antiracist
在這場於Aspen Institute進行的討論中,How To Be Antiracist的作者Ibram X. Kendi探討反種族主義社會的特點。
So You Want To Talk About Race
Ileoma Olou在Talks at Google上討論她的著作So You Want To Talk About Race。
The phenomenon of White Fragility
University of Washington(華盛頓大學)的Dr. Robin DiAngelo在Seattle Channel上解釋白色脆弱這種現象時,讀出她的著作內容。
Me and White Supremacy
作家Layla Saad分享她寫Me and White Supremacy的歷程,這本書是關於如何成為反種族主義者以及社區可如何超越表演型盟友關係。
How Unintentional but Insidious Bias Can Be the Most Harmful
Teachers College at Columbia University(哥倫比亞大學教育學院)的Derald Wing Sue談論在微歧視中所表達出的無心但隱伏的種族偏見可如何造成傷害。
The Australian Dream
通過Indigenous Australian Football League(澳洲原住民足球聯賽)傳奇人物Adam Goodes的歷程這個背景,此記錄片探討現時在澳洲的種族、身分和歸屬感問題。
Unmasking Racism – What Are We Going to Do About It?
觀看這場關於系統性種族主義的CBC Virtual Town Hall(加拿大廣播公司虛擬市民大會),並且探討解決辦法,以建設更安全、更共融的社區。
All Our Relations: Finding the Path Forward
In the 2018 CBC Massey Lecture series, titled All Our Relations: Finding the Path Forward, prize-winning journalist Tanya Talaga (author of Seven Fallen Feathers) explores the legacy of cultural genocide against Indigenous peoples.
Seven Truths
Audible.ca recently launched an audio series, Seven Truths, where Talaga shares her personal story of fighting for Indigenous rights, conversations on challenges First Nations communities face, and reflections of Elders on Canadian history.
Code Switch
The series engages listeners in fearless, uncomfortable conversations about race where each member of the multi-racial and multi-generational team of journalists tackles the subject of race and racism with nuance and depth.
This weekly current affairs podcast features varied topics that confront Indigenous communities — from the history of genocide in Canada, dismantling colonialism, to everyday challenges that communities face.
Missing and Murdered
This eight-part podcast series investigates the cold cases of missing and murdered Indigenous women and highlights the need to implement the Calls to Action in the “Final Report of the National Inquiry on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls” (MMIWG).
Residential Schools
This three-part podcast looks into the history and legacy of residential schools and its impact on First Nations, Métis, and Inuit survivors and their communities.
The Secret Life of Canada
This podcast series spanning 10 years features stories about Canada that’s not otherwise covered in history books.
Race Relations in Canada 2019 Survey
主辦機構:智庫研究所Environics Institute for Survey Research及Canadian Race Relations Foundation(加拿大種族關係基金會)
How Do We Solve Structural Racism?
這份由智庫研究所Yellowhead Institute(黃頭族研究所)撰寫的文件顯示,在過去30年,各項調查和委託進行的工作找出了1,000多項建議,去解決加拿大原住民所面對的結構性種族主義問題。解決辦法被歸類為五個簡明的主題。
Indigenous Ally Toolkit
滿地可原住民社群網絡(Montreal Indigenous Community NETWORK)通過Leilani Shaw,提供了一個易讀、分三步的工具包,以便能成為原住民的更好盟友。此文件引領您走過學習、自我反省及行動之路。
Decolonize First, a Liberating Guide & Workbook
這本由Ta7talíya Michelle Nahanee製作的16頁工作簿,通過提供反壓迫工具去剖析和徹底改變殖民主義的影響,支持您的去殖民化之路。
Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action
在花了六年製作一份報告,記錄寄宿學校倖存者、家庭及社區受印第安人寄宿學校系統影響的真相之後,Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada(加拿大真相與和解委員會)於2015年提出94項Calls to Action(行動倡儀)。寄宿學校遺留下來的問題,在原住民直到今天都經歷的強烈和系統性的種族主義當中,顯露出來。
Reclaiming Power and Place: The Final Report
What We Heard About Poverty in B.C.
A Human Rights Commission for the 21st Century – British Columbians talk about Human Rights
在2017年,卑詩省政府就卑詩省的人權狀況進行了公眾諮詢。這份報告從那些公眾諮詢那裏獲得資料,針對本省新設的Human Rights Commission(人權委員會)的模式、職權範圍及優先考慮事項,提出了建議。
Disaggregated demographic data collection in British Columbia: The grandmother perspective
In Plain Sight: Addressing Indigenous-specific Racism and Discrimination in BC Health Care
這份由前法官Dr. Mary Ellen Turpel-Lafond撰寫的報告,是以諮詢過差不 多9,000人(包括原住民病人、家人、第三方目擊者及醫護人員)之後所得到的意見,以及對醫療數據進行史無前例的分析為基礎。該項檢討發現清晰的證據,顯示有隨處可見的人際和系統性種族主義,這種情況不但對病人和家屬的體驗,也對原住民的長期醫療成果,有不利影響。該報告作出了24項建議,去解決一個深深植根於殖民主義的系統性問題。